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Weight Loss Snacks : Eat These 10 In Weight Loss Days

Weight Loss Snacks : Eat These 10 In Weight Loss Days

Best healthy and delicious weight loss snacks to lose weight fast

Everyone craves snacks even on their weight loss days. As you know when you are on a diet then it's not good to eat unhealthy snacks. But there is no need to worry, I have some best weight loss snack options for you which you can have in your daily routine even on your diet days. These weight loss snacks will not add even a single unhealthy calorie to your weight even if it will help you to burn fat off your body at a faster rate.

Many people eat unhealthy foods during their weight loss days which is not right as even a single bite of unhealthy food can add many calories to your weight.

Excess calories are not required during weight loss. That's why it's important to take care of the consumption of calories. And don't only think that eating fewer calories is important but it's also important to consume only healthy calories.

Many people have a habit of working till late at night or watching TV late at night and at that time they crave some unhealthy snacks. If you are one of them then you can try midnight weight loss snacks to fulfill your craving.

Why eat weight loss snacks?

These healthy weight loss snacks do not contain many calories and you can fulfill your craving with some healthy and few calories. You can eat these weight loss snacks whenever you want to eat some snacks.

You can also add these weight loss snacks to your weight loss diet plan. Also, don't forget to add some healthy weight loss fruits and healthy weight loss vegetables in your daily routine to lose weight efficiently and effectively.

Losing weight is not as difficult as you think. All you need is to know everything about a diet like what to do and what not to do during your diet days.

Following are some best and healthy weight loss snacks:

  1. Healthy homemade oats

Weight Loss Snacks

Oats are on the top list when it comes to weight loss snacks.

Oats are so healthy and you can eat them in your daily routine.

There are different types of oats that you can prepare on your own without much difficulties like overnight oats, homemade masala oats, healthy milk oats, oats porridge, oats chilla, and many more.

If you want to know some of its best recipes, you can check my vegetarian weight loss diet plan. It will tell you the right quantity and the right time to eat the right meal to lose weight fast.

These recipes are so easy and you can prepare them in no time. It does not require any exclusive ingredient.

I had even recommended in my different diet plans to eat different types of oats in your morning breakfast in the right quantity to get different weight loss vitamins and minerals and fulfill the requirement of energy of your body.

It is one of the best weight loss breakfast which you can have during your diet days.

You can make it more healthy and delicious by adding different dry fruits and berries into it.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

1 cup of oatmeal consists of around 150 calories.

These amounts of calories are required to be taken for weight loss breakfast.

  1. Almonds #dry fruit


Almonds are also best to fulfill your craving for snacks during weight loss. Almonds give you different nutrients which are a requirement of your body.

Although it contains some amount of healthy calories, it's good for you to burn fat off your body at a faster rate and to keep your tummy full with some healthy and few calories.

It will be good for you if you eat 5 to 6 almonds in your daily routine in the morning to stay healthy and to get enough energy.

Your body needs energy to perform different activities and your body gets energy from food only. Therefore, you should pick your foods wisely according to the consumption of calories and their health benefits.

It has been found in many studies by researchers that people who eat almonds in their daily routine are likely to lose weight faster than those who do not eat it in their daily diet plan.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks :

5 almonds consist of around 90 calories which are healthy ones.

You can easily add 5 almonds to your daily diet to get proper nutrients. And there is nothing bad if you replace your unhealthy snacks with healthy ones.

  1. Fox nut (Makhana) #dry fruit

weight loss snacks

Many people eat makhana daily to stay healthy and to get enough protein. This dry fruit is a rich source of protein which helps your body to stay strong and keeps your time full for a long time.

It is also low in cholesterol and saturated fat which prevents the storage of fat in your body.

Makhana not only helps you to promote weight loss but also manages your blood sugar level and burns the unhealthy fat off your body at a faster rate.

All you need is to know the right quantity and the right time to eat it to lose weight.

You should eat it in your evening snacks or in your morning breakfast to stay healthy.

It is good to eat it by roasting it in half a tablespoon of healthy oil. It not only keeps you healthy but also makes your weight loss journey interesting and delicious.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

1 cup of roasted makhana or fox nuts consists of around 220 calories which are healthy ones.

You can easily have these calories in your weight loss breakfast.

  1. Walnut #dry fruit


Walnut is also one of the best dry fruits when it comes to losing weight. It also keeps you away from Diabetes and other health-related issues.

You can have it anytime whenever you crave some snacks.

If you want to satisfy your tummy then you can drink one glass of water after eating 4 to 5 walnuts to make your tummy full with healthy and low calories.

It will increase the process of burning fat in your body.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

5 to 6 walnuts consist of around 100 calories only.

You can eat it whenever you want to.

  1. Homemade fresh yogurt

Yogurt is one of the well-known weight loss snacks. But ready-made yogurt is not healthy at all for you, especially when you want to lose weight.

Homemade yogurt is a fat-free yogurt that you can consume at any time without thinking twice. It will burn the fat of your body at a faster rate than before. Yogurt will not only help you to lose weight but also reduce your belly fat. It is a rich source of protein and protein helps your body to promote the feeling of fullness. It keeps you from unhealthy cravings and overeating.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

One cup of yogurt consists of around 100 calories.

You can even take a bowl of fresh homemade yogurt in your lunch with your chapatis and a healthy weight loss vegetable.

  1. Tasty and healthy peanuts

weight loss snacks

Who doesn't like peanuts?? I don't think that anyone hates it. It is one of the best weight loss-friendly snacks that you can have on your weight loss diet days.

You can eat roasted peanuts whenever you crave some snacks.

Peanut is a rich source of protein, fiber, and healthy fat which are the basic requirement of your body.

Many people think that it consists of many calories then how can it help in weight loss. Although it contains many calories, these calories are healthy ones and will not add even a single unhealthy calorie to your weight.

You can easily make your tummy full by eating a cup of peanuts.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

1 Oz of peanuts consists of around 160 calories.

  1. Cucumber 

Cucumber is one of the famous weight loss vegetables and Weight Loss friendly snacks. I don't think there is any other best option than eating cucumbers to fulfill your craving in your diet.

It consists of very few calories which are just negotiable.

You can eat it whenever you want to. It consists of more than 90% of the water which also helps you to stay hydrated for a long time.

As it contains more than 90% of the water that's why it does not contain many calories.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

1 cucumber consists of around 35 calories

  1. Weight loss healthy smoothies

Weight loss smoothies are so healthy and delicious as they are prepared with fresh fruits and vegetables.

There are different smoothies which are prepared with different fruits and vegetables and you can easily prepare them on your own without much effort.

It is very less time-consuming and keeps your tummy full for a long time.

If you want to know some best weight loss smoothie recipes then you can check my article to know everything about it.

  1. Cranberries #dry fruit

weight loss snacks

Cranberries are so healthy and delicious. You can even add it to your different weight loss smoothies or oatmeal to make it more delicious and nutritious.

It also does not contain many calories.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

40 gram of cranberries consists of around 123 calories only.

  1. Seeds

chia seeds

Seeds like chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are very good for weight loss.

These are very healthy and you can add them to your different weight loss recipes. Seeds are a rich source of nutrients like protein, fiber, and healthy fat which fills your tummy with very few calories.

Amount of calories in this one from weight loss snacks

50 grams of pumpkin seeds consists of around 250 calories which are healthy ones.

Conclusion of weight loss snacks

You should add these weight loss snacks to your daily routine to make your weight loss journey more interesting and healthy.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021



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