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Weight Loss Diet Plan: Best And Trending Diet Plan

Diet plan: Trending weight loss diet plan

Trending weight loss diet plan tells you everything about your eating schedule. It reduces your stress about what to eat when to eat, and how much to eat.

I have already posted a vegetarian weight loss diet plan which is very effective and will help you to lose unhealthy weight from your body at a faster rate.

You should know everything about the weight loss diet plan you are following to achieve your target in the targeted time. You can't lose your weight efficiently and effectively until and unless you know everything about your weight loss diet plan. This weight loss diet plan is best and trending and many people are following this weight loss diet plan to lose weight.

 Following is the weight loss diet plan:

Day 1 of weight loss diet plan:

     Drink your favorite lemon water just after waking up in the morning.

     At 8:30 a.m.- Take your breakfast

You have to eat a bowl of healthy oats. Make it on your own using low-fat milk. You don't have to buy low-fat milk from the market but you have to make it on your own.

Recipe of healthy oats:

  1. Put a pan on the gas stove and add half a glass of water and half a glass of milk into it. And wait till it gets boiling.
  2. Then add 2 tablespoons of oats and a tablespoon of Jaggery into it.
  3. Add some nuts and seeds like almonds, raisins, and chia seeds to add flavor to it.

 Now, your oats are ready. Let it cool a little bit and then enjoy it. Oats are very healthy and nutritious. It will not only help you in weight loss but also provide you with basic nutrients.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

Try to drink a little warm water as warm water will help you to lose weight fast. But don't continue with it if it does not suit your body. If it suits you best, otherwise continue with normal water.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

Salads and fruits are rich in fiber which is a basic requirement of your body. It also helps your body to remove unhealthy fat from it and add healthy fat.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable. As I told you, light vegetables like pumpkin, bitter gourd, baby melon are the best for you in the weight loss diet plan as well.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of your favorite green tea

As you all know green tea is very important for you to flush out all the unhealthy fat from your body and to burn unhealthy calories. Therefore, you should drink green tea after your meals.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

You can eat cucumber, tomato, onion capsicum as well as a carrots in your salad time.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today, you neither have to eat chapatis nor have to eat porridge. You have to eat papaya for dinner today. Yes, you are reading it right, papaya. Papaya is a healthy fruit and will fill your tummy to its fullest.

 It is very healthy as well as nutritious. You will not feel hungry after eating papaya. Eat a full plate of papaya by adding lemon to it. But don't add salt to it as salt can increase its amount of calories. Therefore, try to avoid Salt from your fruits and salads.

     At 8:30 p.m. - Drink a cup of your green tea

It is very important to drink green tea at least 2 hours before going to bed as it helps your body to remove all the unhealthy and unsaturated fat from it. Keep at least two hours gap between your green tea and your sleep time. This gap is necessary to stay healthy and fresh. This weight loss diet plan will also help you to get better and fast sleep.

It's all about your first day on the weight loss diet plan.

Day 2 of  weight loss diet plan:

      Drink a glass of lemon water just after waking up in the morning.

     At 8:30 a.m.- Take your breakfast

Today, you have to eat a healthy moong dal chilla. Moong dal chilla is very delicious and healthy for you. This chilla will also help you to lose weight efficiently. But do not eat more than one chilla. As 1 chilla is enough for you in this diet plan.

Recipe of moong dal chilla:

  1. Take one bowl of green moong dal, wash it multiple times, and soak it into the water for the whole night.
  2. The next morning, strain it properly and grind it in a grinder jar. Don't add much water to it. Just add the required 1 to 2 spoons of water to make a perfect batter. Put that batter aside.
  3. Chopp a small onion, some leaves of coriander and add it into that batter. Now, leave this batter for at least 15 minutes so that the moisture of the onion gets into it properly.
  4. Now, add salt black pepper, coriander powder, and some cinnamon seeds according to your taste into the batter. Your batter is ready.
  5. Put a non-stick pan on the stove. Add 1 tablespoon of healthy oil into it. Don't add too much oil as don't forget you are making it in a weight loss diet plan.
  6. Know your healthy green moong dal chilla is ready to eat. Eat it with green coriander chutney to add more flavor to it.

This is one of the best breakfast weight loss recipes. Try this recipe and tell me your reviews in the comment.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of

Drinking water is necessary for a weight loss diet plan.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

Salads and fruits will help you to stay fresh all day.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Lemon flavor green tea is best for weight loss.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad. Like you can add two cucumber and 2 tomatoes in your salad time.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. Papaya is very helpful for you in a weight loss diet plan. It will also help your digestive system to function properly.

     At 8:30 p.m. - Drink a cup of your green tea

As I told you, green tea is necessary after your meals.

This is all about your second day of weight loss diet plan.

Day 3 of weight loss diet plan:

     Take a glass of lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach.

     At 8:30 a.m.- Have a breakfast

Today, you have to eat a bowl full of sprouts. Sprouts are very healthy and a rich source of proteins and other vitamins. As you all know how to make sprouts.

Recipe of sprouts:

  1. Take a bowl of green dal and wash it properly.
  2. Then tie it in a cloth and hang it for at least two days so that the sprouts came out from the dal.
  3. After 2 days, your sprouts are ready. Boil them and add salt and black pepper according to your taste.
  4. Then add two cucumbers, onion, and two tomatoes into that sprout to make it more healthy and nutritious.

Now, your delicious sprouts are ready. This recipe is very healthy and will help you in weight loss. Try this recipe to add flavor to your weight loss diet plan.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

As I told you earlier, don't drink it in one sip. Drink it by taking small sips of it.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

You can also eat more than one salad at a time.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

Today also, You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea is a good source to burn unhealthy calories.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. It will help you to lose weight easily.

At 8:30 p.m.- End your day with a cup of green tea

This is all about the third day of a weight loss diet plan.

Day 4 of a weight loss diet plan:

     Start your day with your favorite lemon water as you are taking for 3 weeks.

     At 8:30 a.m.- Have your breakfast

Today, you have to eat a plate full of healthy poha. Poha is very delicious as well as a tasty recipe in a weight loss diet plan.

I had shared a recipe for Poha in my last articles also. But note I am sharing it again with you.

Recipe of healthy weight loss poha:

  1. Take a bowl of Poha and soak it in the water for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Then chop a small onion, tomato, capsicum, carrot, and beans. Yes, don't forget to cut some coriander leaves for decoration.
  3. Put a pan on the gas stove and add one little spoon of healthy oil into it. Then add half a teaspoon of mustard seeds into it.
  4. After that, add all the chopped vegetables into the pan and mix them well and let them cook for at least five minutes on the low flame.
  5. After 5 minutes, strain your poha and add it into that pan. Mix it all well.
  6. Then add the required salt and black pepper only into that. Avoid adding red chili powder or other chili powder as it contains some amount of oil  Spice other than salt and black pepper can add more calories to it. And we are making it for weight loss then why add more calories to it.

Now, your healthy poha is ready to eat. And yes, don't forget to squeeze a lemon on your poha and add coriander chutney with it to add more flavor to your poha.


     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

Drink water in a sitting posture and not in a standing position.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

You can also eat more than one salad at a time.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

Today, You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable and a bowl of curd.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea is a good source to burn unhealthy calories.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. Papaya will remove Unhealthy calories from your weight.

     At 8:30 p.m.- End your day with a cup of green tea

This is all about the fourth day of a weight loss diet plan.

Day 5 of a weight loss diet plan:

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water.

     At 8:30 a.m. - Have your breakfast

Today, you have to eat healthy oats as you ate on the first day of this weight loss diet plan. You can check its recipe.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

You can also increase its quantity if you can drink more than two liters of water at a time.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

Avoid eating sugary fruits like mango and grapes as they can add more calories to your weight.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

Eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea is a good source to burn unhealthy calories.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad. It is not important that you have to eat only one cucumber or one tomato. You can add more of it according to your capacity.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. Eating papaya for the whole week will help you to lose weight easily.

     At 8:30 p.m.- End your day with a healthy cup of green tea

This is all about the fifth day of a weight loss diet plan.

Day 6 of weight loss diet plan:

      Take a glass of lemon water just after waking up in the morning.

     Have your breakfast at 8:30 a.m.

Today, you have to eat green moong dal weight loss chilla as you ate on the second day of this weight loss diet plan. It is a very healthy recipe and provides basic nutrients to your body. But don't eat more than one chilla. If you want then you can increase its size but not quantity. Make a big green moong dal chilla instead of eating 2. And don't forget to take coriander chutney with moong dal chilla to increase the quantity of its nutrition.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

 Drink it by taking small sips of it.


     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

You can also eat more than one salad at a time according to your capacity

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

Today also, You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea will remove unsaturated fat from your body.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. It will help you to lose weight easily.

     At 8:30 p.m.- End your day with a cup of green tea

This is all about the sixth day of a weight loss diet plan.

Day 7 of the weight loss diet plan:

     Drink a glass of lemon water just after waking up in the morning.

     At 8:30 a.m. - Have your breakfast

Today also you have to eat sprouts as day 3 of this weight loss diet plan.

Sprouts are a rich source of protein and will fulfill the requirement of nutrients in your body.

     At 10:00 a.m.- Drink 2 liter of water

As I told you earlier, don't drink it in one sip. Drink it by taking small sips of it.

     At 11:30 a.m. - Eat healthy fresh fruits and salad

You can also eat more than one salad at a time.

     2:30 p.m.- Take your lunch

Today also, You have to eat 2 chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:30 p.m.- Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea is a good source to burn unhealthy calories.

     At 5:00 p.m.- Eat salad only.

Eat a plate full of salad.

     Now at 7:30 p.m.- Have your dinner

Today also you have to eat papaya for dinner. It will help you to lose weight easily.

     At 8:30 p.m.- End your day with a cup of green tea

This is all about the seventh and last day of a weight loss diet plan.

Conclusion of weight loss diet plan:

Go through this trending weight loss diet plan to lose a lot of weight within a week. And follow every of these diet plans while following it. Please share your valuable reviews in the comment section and you can also ask if you have any queries related to this.


Related articles:

     Common mistakes in weight loss.

     Weight loss hacks

     Everything about weight loss diet.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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