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6 Weight Loss Smoothies- Healthy And Delicious Way To Lose Weight

6 Weight Loss Smoothies- Healthy And Delicious Way To Lose Weight

Smoothies- weight loss smoothies

Weight loss smoothies are so healthy and promote weight loss. You can have any of the following weight-loss smoothies in your daily routine to lose weight properly. It helps in burning the unhealthy fat of your body at a faster rate and also boosts your metabolism.

If you want to lose weight through diet then there are many vegetarian weight loss diet plans also available. You can check to lose weight fast. This is a proven diet plan which consists of many tasty recipes for weight loss.

Following are the weight loss smoothies:

  1. First from weight loss smoothies

This is one of the best weight loss smoothies. You can make it to your home without much effort. It will also help you to fight against many diseases. It requires all the natural ingredients which are available at everyone's home. There is no need to buy any expensive product to lose weight. You can make smoothies on your own using the ingredients available at your home.

Ingredients :

     One Apple

     1 cucumber


     Four pieces of black pepper

     1 tablespoon of Aloe vera gel

     100-gram pumpkin

     1 bitter gourd

     Half bowl of water

     1 to 2 tablespoon of chia seeds (optional)

These are the natural ingredients that are available at everyone's home. You do not require any expensive product to make these weight loss smoothies.

Recipe of first from weight loss smoothies:

     Take a grinder jar and add one chopped apple and one chop cucumber into it.

     Then add two pinch of turmeric and 4 pieces of black pepper.

     After that, add one tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel, 100 gm pumpkin, 1 bitter gourd (without seeds) into that jar.

     And then add half a bowl of water to make it smooth.

     Then grind them all in a grinder jar and make a smoothie.

Now, your smoothie is ready. Add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to make your smoothie more nutritious and delicious. You can drink it as it is or can also drink it by straining it. If you want to add water to it then add hot water. Maybe its taste is not that good but drink it to achieve your target to lose weight. You should try these weight loss smoothies to lose weight fast.

Benefits of first from weight loss smoothies:

 There are many benefits of this smoothie. Some of its benefits are:

     Contains vitamins and minerals.

     Improve your health.

     Prevents cancer.

     Make your skin more glowing.

     Keep you hydrated.



     Contains iron and zinc.

     Manage hormonal imbalance.

     Good in diabetes.

     Keep your nails, eyes, skin, and every part of a body healthy.

     Flush out toxins.

These are the amazing health benefits of this one from weight loss smoothies. Drink this smoothie in the morning. It will help you with weight loss. You will start noticing its results within the first week. Drink this smoothie daily to lose weight fast.

  1. Second from weight loss smoothies

The second from weight loss smoothies are also very delicious as well as nutritious. You will love to have this smoothie. It not only helps you in reducing your weight but will also keep you fresh and provide different nutrients. If you are a pineapple lover then you will love this smoothie. The second from weight loss smoothies will also not require any expensive product. You can prepare it using available ingredients at your home.


     2 tablespoons chia seeds.

     2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

     Half cup of water.

     One and a half cups of pineapple.

     Half lemon juice.

These all are the basic ingredients that are generally available at everyone's home.

Recipe of second from weight loss smoothies:

     First of all, take 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and soak them into a glass of water for the whole night.

     The next morning, Take a grinder jar and add half a cup of pineapple into it.

     Then add apple cider vinegar and lemon into it.

     After that, and that soaked chia seeds into the jar. By soaking chia seeds into the water for the whole night will make them swallow. And this will increase its taste and also nutritions.

     Now, add half a cup of water to make a perfect smoothie. Grind them all well.

Now, your second form weight loss smoothies are ready to drink. You should drink this smoothie in the morning. It contains different flavors and different nutritions which will help you to keep yourself healthy and also active. You can consume directly or can also strain this smoothie if you want to.

Benefits of second from weight loss smoothies:

It also contains a lot of benefits. Some of its benefits are:

     Boosts your immune system.

     Flushes out toxins.

     Improve your health.

     Keeps you hydrated.

     Regulator stress hormone.

     Burns body fat fast.

     Cleans urinary tract.

     Helps in controlling blood sugar level.

These all are the health-related benefits of this smoothie. You can't neglect the benefits of it. It is a rich source of every nutrient and fulfills the requirement of nutrients in your body.

  1. Third from weight loss smoothies

This third form of weight loss smoothies is also very nutritious and delicious. It keeps you hydrated and healthy all day. It also helps you to fight against many health-related diseases.


     Half chopped cucumber.

     2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds (methi dana).

     150 gram of white gourd or white pumpkin.

     Pinch of black salt.

     A cup of water.

It is one of the easiest weight loss smoothies which you can prepare. It is less time-consuming.

Recipe of 3rd from weight loss smoothies:

     First of all, take 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them into half a glass of water for the whole night.

     The next morning, Take a grinder jar and add white gourd into it.

     Then add chopped cucumber and half a glass of fenugreek seed water by straining it. Don't add fenugreek seeds. You have to add only water which has soaked for the whole night.

     After that, add a pinch of salt black salt and half a cup of water into it and grind them all well.

Now, your third from weight loss smoothies is ready. Strain it in a tall glass. If you want to add water into it then add hot water only.

Benefits of third from weight loss smoothies:

     Contains micronutrients.

     Relieves constipation.

     Control diabetes.

     Boosts your metabolism.

     Provides you a lot of fiber.

These are some of the benefits of this weight loss smoothie. This smoothie also contains many other benefits. It not only helps you to lose weight but also keeps your skin and every part of your body healthy.

If you are drinking any of these weight loss smoothies then drink them in your daily routine. Never skip any day in between as it can spoil your weight loss efforts. Stay continued with the smoothie you are selecting from these weight loss smoothies and don't try different smoothies on different days. If any of them suits you then it will be good for you to keep drinking that particular smoothie for a long time. . And it is a proven trick to lose weight.

  1. Fourth from weight loss smoothies

This smoothie from weight loss smoothies is also very nutritious and delicious. And you will love this smoothie as it's a chocolate drink. Who doesn't like having chocolates and its drinks?? I think no one is here who doesn't like chocolate.

You will love this from weight loss smoothies.

Don't think that it's a chocolate drink therefore it's not healthy or will not help you to lose weight. There is nothing like that. This will help you to lose weight and also keep you healthy. It is one of the tastiest weight loss smoothies I ever had. It will not require any expensive ingredients in preparing it. This smoothie is also very less time-consuming and will give you a different flavor drink.


     Half tablespoon of ground flax seeds.

     2 cups of water.

     1/4th spoon of cinnamon seeds.

     1 tablespoon of black coffee.

     1 tablespoon of grated dark chocolate.

These all ingredients are very healthy and will help you to lose weight efficiently and effectively. There is no need to think twice before trying this one from weight loss smoothies. It is very delicious as well as nutritious.

Recipe of fourth from weight loss smoothies:

     Put a pan on the gas stove and add 2 cups of water into it.

     Then add 1 tablespoon of black coffee, 1 tablespoon of grated dark chocolate, one by the fourth tablespoon of cinnamon seeds, and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed into it.

     Boil it for 10 minutes at high flame.

     After 10 minutes, strain in a glass.

Now, your favorite chocolate weight loss smoothie is ready to drink. The best time to drink this smoothie is in the morning. You will start noticing its results within a week or ten days. 

Avoid adding more than 1 tablespoon of grated dark chocolate into it as it will increase its calories which is not required.

Benefits of forth from weight loss smoothies:

There are many benefits of this weight loss smoothie also. Some of its benefits are:

     Increase metabolism.

     Burns the fat off your body fast.

     Prevent cancer.

     Relieves constipation.

     Lower blood pressure.

     Lower cholesterol.

     Boosts your immunity.

These all are the benefits of fourth from weight loss smoothies. This is very delicious and you will love this. It will surely help you with weight loss.

  1. Fifth from weight loss smoothies

This is the fifth from weight loss smoothies. It consists of healthy ingredients.


     8-10Coriander leaves.

     4-5 Mint leaves.

     4-5 pieces of bottle gourd.

     Black salt according to taste.

     ½ lemon juice.

     ½ piece ginger.

Recipe of fifth from weight loss smoothies:

     Take a grinder jar. Add bottle gourd, mint leaves, coriander leaves, black salt, lemon juice, and half a piece of ginger into the jar.

     Grind them all well.

Now your smoothie is ready. Strain it in a tall glass. You can add hot water to it if you want to.

Benefits of fifth from weight loss smoothies:

There are infinite benefits of this one from weight loss smoothies.

Some of its benefits are:

     Flushes out toxins from your body.

     Promote weight loss.

     Improve digestion.

     Manage cholesterol.

     Controls cravings.

     Boosts immunity.

  1. Sixth from weight loss smoothies

If you are a pineapple lover then you will love this one from weight loss smoothies. It is one of the healthiest and yummy weight loss smoothies you can ever have. This smoothie will also not require any expensive ingredients.


     One pinch of turmeric powder.

     1/4 tablespoon of cinnamon powder.

     Pineapple with its peel.

     Two cups of water.

Recipe of sixth from weight loss smoothie:

     Put a pan on the gas stove and add 2 cups of water and 1 to 2 slices of pineapple with its peel into it.

     Then add cinnamon powder and turmeric powder into that pan.

     Boil it for 5 minutes.

     After 5 minutes, strain it in a glass.

Now, this weight loss smoothie is ready to drink.

It will not only help you to lose weight fast but also burns unhealthy calories from your weight.

Benefits of sixth from weight loss smoothies:

     Controls your craving.

     Boosts your immunity.

     Improves digestion.

     Prevent obesity.

      Keeps you hydrated.

     Prevent constipation.

     Boosts your metabolism.

     Provides you different vitamins and minerals.

The above are some benefits of this weight loss smoothie. There are many other health-related benefits also. Drink this smoothie in your daily routine without skipping any day in between to lose weight efficiently and effectively.

Conclusion of weight loss smoothies :

These all are the weight loss smoothies that you can drink in your daily routine. You can choose any one of them according to your taste preferences. It will also keep you healthy.

Some important points to be kept in mind are:

     Avoid unhealthy foods from your daily routine while drinking this smoothie. As you can't lose Your weight by having unhealthy foods also.

     Drink only one smoothie from these weight loss smoothies per day.

     It will give you more benefits if you drink it early in the morning.

     Measure your weight before starting drinking these weight loss smoothies and after every week. This will help you to know how much weight you are losing per week.

     You should know everything about your weight loss diet plan.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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