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Weight Loss Fruits : 7 Best Fruits With Low Calories


Weight Loss Fruits : 7 Best Fruits With Low Calories

Best low calorie weight loss fruits

Fruits are considered as the best snacks during weight loss. There are different weight loss fruits which help you to lose your weight efficiently and effectively. Fruits not only help you to lose weight but also provide different vitamins, fiber and other nutrients to stay healthy.

Weight loss fruit contains very low calories and high amount of fibre which is the best option for weight loss.

There are certain fruits which you should avoid during weight loss. It is not important that every fruit will help you to lose weight efficiently. Maybe you don't know but there are certain fruits which you should avoid during weight loss.

Weight loss fruits not only help you to lose your weight but also manage your blood sugar level, controls high blood pressure, prevents cancer and heart related issues.

Menu of you drink different packaged or canned fruit juices but its not good for your health. These juices contain different flavors and unhealthy ingredients which can promote weight gain instead of weight loss. There are different healthy weight loss drinks to which you can lose your weight easily. If you want to lose your weight through drinks then weight loss smoothies are the best option for you.

Weight loss fruits keep you hydrated for a long time and prevent cravings. You can have it whenever you feel hungry as weight loss fruits do not have many calories.

You should have your weight loss fruits at the right time and in the right quantity to promote weight loss. If you want to know the right timing and right quantity to have fruits then you should check : 7 days weight loss diet plan and vegetarian weight loss diet plan.

As weight loss fruits contain fiber that's why it keeps your tummy full for a long time and provides you the feeling of fullness.

Let us know about some healthy weight loss fruits :

1.Papaya ( #1st from weight loss fruits)

weight loss fruits

Papaya is one of the best weight loss fruits you can have in your daily routine. I have mentioned it in my different diet plans to have it at the right time.

It does not cause weight loss directly but it contains some magical compounds that promote a healthy weight loss diet which automatically loses your weight. Papaya also contains very low calories and a rich source of fiber.

Papaya is one of the proven weight loss fruits which you can have without thinking twice to lose weight. It helps you to stay full for a longer time.

If you add it in your dinner then you can lose a good amount of your weight within a month. Papaya burns fat and promotes detoxification. It also helps you to get relief in constipation and flushes out all the unhealthy fat from your body.

Papaya is the one you should avoid during the time of your pregnancy. As it is one of the fruits you should avoid during pregnancy.

Papaya will help you a lot in losing weight when you squeeze a lemon into it. Avoid adding salt as it can increase its calories.

Calories in papaya:

1 cup of papaya contains only 62 calories which are very few.

Papaya keeps your tummy full with very few calories. It also increases satiety and prevents overeating.

2,Pineapple ( #2nd from weight loss fruits)

weight loss fruits

Pineapple is also good for weight loss. It removes unhealthy calories from your body and shed extra kilos from your weight. Many people (including me) love to have pineapple. It is also a good source of fiber and other healthy nutrients.

Pineapple helps you to improve your digestion. It not only promotes weight loss but also reduces belly fat as it contains some anti-inflammatory properties that shrinks belly fat. Pineapple boosts metabolism and one of the best weight loss snacks which contains very few calories. It does not have even a single saturated fat. It only provides healthy calories to you, which are required.

You should eat 1 cup of pineapple daily in order to lose your weight efficiently and effectively. It is one of the tastiest weight loss fruits you can ever have.

Pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C and also boosts energy.

Many people ask, can we drink pineapple juice instead of eating pineapple? According to me, No. It is good to eat fruit instead of drinking its juice. As juice contains more than one cup of pineapple and when you eat pineapple then you take only one cup of it. Therefore, juice contains more calories than eating it.

Pineapple juice does not contain much fiber and rich in sugar therefore, can result in weight gain instead of weight loss.

You can also have it before going to bed as it helps you to provide it faster and quality sleep. 

Pineapple contains very few calories therefore you can have it in between of your meals. It provides you the full feeling of fullness and also considered as a healthy snack.

Calories in pineapple:

1 small cup of pineapple contains only 52 calories.

3.None other than "Apple" (3rd from weight loss fruits)


What option can be better than Apple? As we all know "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". The same way, an apple a day helps you to lose your weight. There are unlimited benefits of having apples once a day. Apple contains carbs that provide you instant energy. But avoid eating too much apples as it can add calories to your weight.

Apple is also considered as one of the best weight loss fruits. It is a rich source of fiber, boosts metabolism, keeps your heart healthy and also regulates your blood sugar level. It is also a rich source of antioxidants and minerals that makes your bones, teeth, skin and every part of your body strong.

Therefore, it is the right time to add apples in your daily diet plan to lose your weight efficiently.

Many people are suffering from bad digestion these days, but you don't have to suffer with it anymore. As apple also improves your digestion process.

It is one of the low calories weight loss fruits and does not result in weight gain, if you eat in proper quantity. Apple also keeps you hydrated as it contains 85% of water in it and staying hydrated is very important, mainly in summers.

Calories in apple:

100 grams of apple contains only 50 calories.

4.Delicious fruit "Grapefruit" (4th from weight loss fruits)


Grapefruit is one of the healthiest as well as delicious weight loss fruits. It has been found in different studies that people who eat half a grapefruit before their meals for 2 months lost weight more efficiently and effectively than those who did not eat it.

Grapefruit contains water which provides the feeling of fullness and one of the best snacks you can have during your weight loss days. It has the power to burn unhealthy fat from your body easily and quickly. You will start noticing its results within a week or two. Many people even prefer to have a grapefruit diet for weight loss as it is also known as the Hollywood diet.

Grapefruit is one of the weight loss fruits which is friendly and contains different properties which reduces the intake of unhealthy calories. It is a low sugar fruit that has many health benefits and also promotes weight loss.

It is good to eat half a grapefruit before your meals to reduce belly fat and to regulate cholesterol level. This fruit is also one of the best fruits to lose belly fat efficiently and effectively.

Grapefruit juice is also very beneficial for your health and also for your skin as it contains vitamin C and potassium. It makes your skin glowing more than ever before.

It also contains very less amount of sugar in it which is a healthy choice for weight loss.

Calories in grapefruit:

100 grams of grapefruit contains only 42 calories which are very few and healthy.

5.Variety of "Berries" (#5th from weight loss fruits)

weight loss fruits

Berries are the one best weight loss option to lose your weight efficiently and effectively. It helps you to cut the calories you get from your diet and also gives you a flatten stomach by losing your belly fat.

Berries consist of very few calories and a rich source of fiber, vitamin C as well as potassium.

Following are the berries which are good for weight loss:

  • Strawberries: It is a rich source of different nutrition, burns belly fat and boosts metabolism. Strawberries are very delicious and promote weight loss.
  • Blueberries: It burns the unhealthy fat from your body faster. It also reduces cholesterol and abdominal fat.
  • Cranberries: Cranberries are very low in calories and one of the best berries you can have during your weight loss days. You can add cranberries in your oatmeal and in different diet foods to make it more nutritious and also healthy.
  • Raspberries: It also promotes weight loss. Raspberry is a rich source of fiber which helps in preventing constipation and improves the digestive system.
  • Goji berries: Goji berry also promotes weight loss indirectly by removing unhealthy fat from your body.

These all are the berries which are a part of weight loss fruits. You can have it in your weight loss days.

Berries also promote the feeling of fullness and decrease cravings for unhealthy foods. Unhealthy foods are not at all good for your health. You should avoid it during your weight loss days in order to stay healthy and to remove unhealthy fat from your body.

It also reduces your hunger by keeping your tummy full for a long time. Don't have more than one type of berry in a day. As you know excess of everything is bad and so is with berries. It also decreases cholesterol level, reduces blood pressure and manages blood sugar level which may be helpful for the people who are overweight.

Calories in berries:

100 grams of berries contain only 57 calories which are healthy.

6.Healthy Kiwi  (6th from weight loss fruits)


Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C, K, folate, fiber, potassium and also contains different antioxidants which provides you different health benefits.

It promotes weight loss as it is a rich source of fiber and promotes fullness. Kiwi is one of the most famous weight loss fruits to boost immunity. It is very important to boost your immunity in this pandemic of covid-19. You should have at least one kiwi daily in order to stay healthy.

It is one of the delicious, soft as well as tasty fruits to have daily. You can also add it in your daily salads and in your different weight loss smoothies.

It is good to have kiwi at least 1 hour before going to bed as it enhances your sleeping quality.

Kiwi does not help you lose weight directly but it fills you with a lot of healthy calories which makes it easier for you to lose weight efficiently.

It's not like you have to eat kiwi for weight loss, No. You have to eat it instead of eating your unhealthy snacks in order to intake healthy calories instead of unhealthy ones. You can have it in between your meals to intake healthy calories only. If you want to lose weight then you need to do a calorie deficit gradually. You should change your unhealthy calories with the healthy ones by eating healthy weight loss fruits instead of unhealthy snacks.

Calories in kiwi:

100 grams of kiwi contains only 61 calories.

7.Variety of Melons (#7th from weight loss fruits)


There are varieties of melons available in the market which promote weight loss. Melons contain very few calories and a rich source of water which keeps you hydrated for a long time.

It is a rich source of potassium which helps in controlling blood pressure and also keeps your heart healthy. Melons also contain vitamin C and antioxidants which fight against different health related issues like heart diseases, chronic diseases and cancer.

Watermelon is one of the melons that contains the least calories around 46 per one cup.

Calories in melons:

1 cup of melon contains only 53 calories.

Conclusion of weight loss fruits

Weight loss fruits at the best option instead of having unhealthy snacks in your daily routine. These fruits help you to lose your weight efficiently and effectively by adding only healthy calories to your weight.

You should know each and everything about your diet plan you are following in order to follow it properly.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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