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Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan : Easy Way To Lose Weight

Healthy and vegetarian weight loss diet plan

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan

A healthy vegetarian weight loss diet plan tells you the right time to have the right meal in the right quantity. As you all know it's very important to eat healthy to stay healthy and to fight against different diseases. You can't stay healthy and fit and unless you eat healthily.

Losing weight is not as difficult as you think. It might be difficult for those who are not following the right diet plan or for those who are not aware of some weight loss mistakes to avoid. If you are following the right diet plan and know how to lose weight efficiently and effectively then it's no more difficult for you. You can easily shed some pounds from your weight by following this vegetarian weight loss diet plan. Only following the right diet plan is not enough, you also have to avoid some unhealthy foods which are not good for your health as it can add some unhealthy calories to your weight which are not required during weight loss.

If you follow this vegetarian weight loss diet plan properly then I am 101% sure that you will lose your weight in the right way and it's a permanent solution to lose weight.

There is no need to spend your money on buying some pills or supplements for weight loss as these supplements are not a permanent solution to lose weight. Why spend your money on supplements or medicines when you can lose weight naturally and permanently??

Now, let us know the right healthy and vegetarian diet plan which will help you to shed pounds from your weight every week.

Following is the purpose schedule of vegetarian weight loss diet plan :

Day 1 of Vegetarian weight loss diet plan:

     Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water or normal water.

By taking a glass of lemon water in the morning, you can lose weight quickly as it burns the fat off your body at a faster rate.

It will be best for you if you consume a glass of warm lemon water just after waking up in the morning as it will melt the fat of your body like a miracle.

But drink warm lemon water only if it suits your body. As it's not important that warm water suits everyone's body. If it's not helping out with your body then you can take a normal glass of lemon water, it will also help you to lose weight.

     At 9 a.m. Take your breakfast

You have to have breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and today you have to eat 1 chapati with any light vegetable. Different weight loss vegetables which are very light and consist of very few calories which are healthy ones. You can eat your chapati with pumpkin, bottle gourd, baby melon, or any other weight loss vegetable.

This will help you to intake very few healthy calories and keep your tummy full for a long time.

If you still want to eat more then you should eat a bowl of vegetables rather than eating more chapati. As chapati will add many calories to your weight as compared to vegetables. Therefore, it's a healthy choice for you.

     10:30 a.m., Drink 2 litres of water

Drinking water helps in losing weight fast. It flushes out the waste from your body and keeps your tummy full with very few and healthy calories.

But you can't lose weight by only drinking water until and unless you know the right way to drink water in the right quantity and at the right time.

You should drink water in the sitting position and not while standing. Drinking in a standing position can result in weight gain instead of weight loss. You can also drink warm water if it suits your body otherwise drink normal water.

     At noon, take your second meal with fruits

This vegetarian weight loss diet plan consists of five meals a day which is trending these days to lose weight efficiently and effectively.

At this time you have to eat a plate full of fruits. Try to eat only one type of fruit at a time. For example, if you are eating an apple then eat only apples and do not add any other fruit with it. This is one of the tricks to lose weight fast.

     Then at 2 p.m. Have your lunch

You have to eat 2 chapatis with the same vegetable you had taken in the morning breakfast. You can also take a bowl of fresh homemade curd.

Chapatis are also important for you to provide you with healthy carbs. As I told you for breakfast, if you want to eat more then you can have more vegetables than chapatis.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of healthy green tea

Green tea is a very effective and important part of weight loss days. It should also be a part of your vegetarian weight loss diet plan to burn unhealthy fat off your body.

Green tea is proven very effective for weight loss and many people add it to their vegetarian weight loss diet plan to lose weight healthily.

     At 5:00 p.m. - Take your fourth meal which consists of fruit and salad

At this time you have to eat the same fruit you had taken in your second meal. And you can also add salad like tomato,

Beetroot, carrot, or cucumber to get enough fiber.

Fiber is one of the important nutrients during weight loss.

Do not add salt or any pepper to your fruit as it will increase the number of calories in it which is not required.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

You have to eat porridge. Veggie porridge is very healthy for you and provides you different nutrients which are important during weight loss. Lack of nutrients can cause many health-related issues to you.

You can add different veggies into your porridge-like carrots, peas, and any other according to your taste. Adding veggies will not only add taste to your porridge but will also increase the number of nutrients in it.


     At 8:30 p.m. - End your day with a cup of green tea

Green tea at this time is very important. It helps in burning the unhealthy fat which your body gets from different foods you have eaten throughout the day.

You should consume it at least 2 hours before going to bed to get healthy and quality sleep. Do not consume it just before going to bed as it can harm your health.

You can try lemon and honey green tea which is very effective for weight loss.

Now, the first day of your vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends here.

Day 2 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of healthy warm lemon water or normal lemon water

     At 9 a.m., Have your breakfast

Today you have to eat a full bowl of healthy oats. Oats help in providing different vitamins, minerals,s and also fiber which helps you to promote weight loss.

It's a very easy and simple recipe. You can prepare it on your own without much difficulty. Also, you don't need any exclusive or expensive ingredients while preparing this recipe for healthy oats.

Here is the recipe for healthy oats:

  1. Put a pan on the stove and add half a glass of water to it.
  2. After 1 minute add 3 tablespoons of toasted oats into that pan and let it cook properly on medium flame.
  3. Then add half a glass of milk into it and mix them all well.
  4. Now add one tablespoon of jaggery into it.
  5. You can also add nuts and dry fruits like almonds, berries, raisins, and chia seeds into too make it more nutritious and also tasty.

Your healthy oats are ready to eat. Enjoy it. It will not add many calories to your weight. It will keep your tummy full with very few and healthy calories.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of fruit at noon.

Eat only one type of fruit at a time as I told you for day one.

     Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

Green tea is important to burn fat from your body.

     Eat a plateful of salad at 5:00.p.m.

Salad provides you fiber which is important for weight loss.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Eat a bowl full of papaya. Papaya is one of the best weight loss fruits which promotes weight loss at a faster rate. You can squeeze a lemon into papaya to make it more nutritious and also to make it tastier.

But try to avoid adding salt to it as it will increase its calories.

     End your day with a cup of healthy green tea.

Here your second day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.

Day 3 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water

     Have your breakfast at 8:30.a.m.

Today, you have to eat a plate of healthy poha for your breakfast. Poha is very nutritious as well as tasty. It provides basic vitamins and minerals which are important for weight loss.

You can add different veggies to your poha like onion, tomato, capsicum, carrot, beans, boiled peas, and anyone according to your taste and preferences.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of fruit at noon.

As I told you, eat only one type of fruit at a time.

     Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable and also take a bowl of fresh homemade curd

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

     Green tea is important to burn fat from your body.

     Eat a plateful of salad at 5:00.p.m.

You can eat cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot, or any other salad. It will not only promote weight loss but also provides you glowing skin.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Today, eat one chapati with the same vegetable you had taken in your lunch.

     End your day with a cup of green tea

Don't forget to brush your teeth before sleeping.

Here your third day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.

Day 4 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water

You can also add a spoon of honey to it.

     Have your breakfast at 8:30 p.m.

Today also you have to eat a bowl of healthy oats as of day 2.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of fruit at noon.

 You can eat any weight loss fruit. 

     Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

     Eat a plateful of salad at 5:00.p.m.

You can eat any weight loss vegetable.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Today, you have to eat a plate full of porridge.

     End your day with a cup of green tea

Here your fourth day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.


Day 5 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water

Drink it warm or normal.

     Have your breakfast at 8:30 p.m.

 Today, you have to eat a pair of healthy weight loss sandwiches

It will not add many calories to your weight.

Recipe of weight loss sandwich

Step 1: Take one onion, capsicum, tomato, cucumber and cut it in the way you want to.

No. 2: Add black pepper and salt according to your taste in these vegetables.

Step 3: Take two slices of whole-grain bread and apply these vegetables to it. And yes, don’t forget to apply paneer into it. Paneer will provide you healthy vitamins and protein.

Step 4. Grill your sandwich in the toaster.

Now, your delicious healthy sandwich is ready to eat. Eating only one pair of sandwiches is enough to fill your tummy.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of fruit at noon.

      Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

     Eat a plateful of salad at 5:00.p.m.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Today, you have to eat 1 chapati with the same vegetable as lunch.

     End your day with a cup of green tea

Here your fifth day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.

Day 6 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water

     Have your breakfast at 8:30.a.m.

Today, you have to eat a bowl of Poha as of day 3.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of fruit at noon.

      Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

     Eat a plateful of salad at 5:00.p.m.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat 1 chapati with the same vegetable as lunch

     End your day with a cup of green tea

Here your sixth day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.

Day 7 of vegetarian weight loss diet plan

     Start your day with a glass of lemon water

     Have your breakfast at 8:30.a.m.

Today, you have to eat a plate full of papaya.

     At 10:30 a.m. Drink 2 litres of water.

     Eat a plate full of salad at noon.

      Have your lunch at 2 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat two chapatis with any light vegetable.

     At 4:00 p.m. Drink a cup of green tea

     Eat a plateful of fruit at 5:00.p.m.

     Have your dinner at 7:30 p.m.

Today also, you have to eat 1 chapati with the same vegetable as lunch.

     End your day with a cup of green tea

Here your seventh day of vegetarian weight loss diet plan ends.

Conclusion of vegetarian weight loss diet plan:

This is all about a week of a vegetarian weight loss diet plan. You have to follow it continuously until and unless you lose your targeted weight.

This is the best and proven vegetarian weight loss diet plan which will help you to lose weight. So, don't lose your confidence and hope as both are most important to achieve your target. 

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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