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Covid-19 Recovery Diet: Follow This Diet Plan To Recover Fast

Covid-19 Recovery Diet: Follow This Diet Plan To Recover Fast

Full day covid-19 recovery diet plan

Everyone is taking many e precautions to keep themselves away from this pandemic of covid-19 but still many people are infected by this covid-19. Although the recovery rate is also good. But if you are infected with covid-19 infection then you should know the covid-19 recovery diet plan to follow that to recover fast.

The covid-19 recovery diet plan will help you to know each and everything like what to eat and when to eat.

You can get back to your original health by following this covid-19 recovery diet plan. There is no need to follow any weight loss diet plan as at this time your body needs different vitamins and minerals which you can get by taking the covid-19 recovery diet.

It will help you a lot in recovering your body which has been infected by the infection of covid-19.

Even after your recovery, you should take proper precautions to keep yourself away from this infection to get infected again.

You should wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and wash your hands frequently whether you are at your home, going outside, or coming from outside.

If you provide sufficient nutrition to your body then only you will be able to recover in a particular time. And to recover yourself fast, you need to follow this covid-19 recovery diet in your daily routine.

Benefits of following covid-19 recovery diet

There are many benefits of taking a covid-19 recovery diet like staying healthy and recovering at a faster rate.

Different varieties of food can speed up your recovery process and you should mention these foods in your covid-19 recovery diet.

By following the covid-19 recovery diet, you can provide different nutrients to your body which will help you to boost immunity and fight against the deadly virus of COVID 19 present in your body.

You can make yourself fit and fine by following the covid-19 recovery diet in the right way.

Following is all about covid-19 recovery diet

     Start your day with a glass of normal water

Drinking water in the morning will help you to flush out all the waste and toxins from your body which will also make your skin glowing and make you healthy.

     Eat 1 banana and 1 cup of kadha after around half an hour of drinking a glass of water

Kadha is very important for you at this time because your immunity is very weak as you just fought against an infection called covid-19 that's why your body needs different vitamins and minerals which you can easily get by drinking kadha.

kadha will also help you to remove all the viruses present in your body.

And bananas will help you to keep you healthy.

     Then have your breakfast after 1 hour of drinking kadha

There are different weight loss breakfast options that you can add to your covid-19 recovery. These weight loss breakfast foods are very healthy and contain different nutrients which your body needs at this time.

Different options like:

      Green moong dal chilla

      Healthy poha

     Different varieties of foods

     Healthy veg. porridge

     Different weight loss smoothies

I had mentioned recipes of all these breakfasts in weight loss breakfast recipes and a vegetarian weight loss diet plan, you can check it from there.

     After 1 hr of your breakfast, have some snacks in your mid-morning break

There are different weight loss snack options that you can add in your morning break to get healthy calories and also to recover fast.

You can also add coconut water or different fresh homemade fruit juices to your covid-19 recovery diet.

     Have your lunch

It will be very beneficial for you if you eat a plate of salad in your lunch to make it more delicious and nutritious.

Because you just fought covid-19 that's why you should eat light vegetables with your chapati, according to your health.

There are different light vegetables like pumpkin, bottle gourd, moong dal, and many more. You can check the list of light vegetables which will also help you to stay healthy.

And if you don't want to eat chapati with vegetables then you can also have porridge (Dalia) or kichadi by adding different veggies into it according to your choice and preferences.

     After that have your evening snacks

At this time, you should drink a cup of green tea and eat one fruit with that. Like, you can eat an apple with your green tea to get different nutrients and to recover fast.

If you don't like the taste of green tea then you can drink any weight loss herbal tea which you can prepare on your own without much effort and add any fruit with your herbal tea.

     Now it's the time of your dinner

It will be very good for you if you eat vegetable khichdi with curd.

This will provide different vitamins and minerals to you which are a basic requirement of your body to get added to your covid-19 recovery diet.

     End your day with a glass of turmeric warm milk

You should drink a glass of warm milk by adding one pinch of turmeric into it.

It is very good for your health as well as for your skin.

Turmeric has different antibiotic properties which can fight against different viruses present in your body. That's why you will be grateful if you add turmeric into your milk. There are many different benefits of turmeric whether for your internal body or external.

Points to be remembered while following covid-19 recovery diet:

     Don't forget to add water to your covid-19 recovery diet.

     Water is very important for every individual. Therefore, you should try to drink at least two liters of water in your daily routine to recover fast.

     Also, try to eat healthy fruits in your daily routine to get different nutrients in the proper quantity.

     Also, don't forget to add different dry fruits to your covid-19 recovery diet to stay healthy and to recover fast.

Conclusion of the covid-19 recovery diet

You should follow the above-mentioned covid-19 recovery diet to recover fast and to get basic nutrients which are the basic requirement of your body.

It is very important to recover safely and faster to get back to your normal life.

And it will be so easy for you to follow the above-mentioned diet in your daily routine to get back to your normal life faster.


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