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Weight Loss Drinks: 8 Delicious And Healthy Drinks


Weight Loss Drinks: 8 Delicious And Healthy Drinks

Tasty weight loss drinks

Many of you have tried different weight loss drinks but are not able to lose it. You should also avoid sugary drinks in order to keep yourself healthy and free from health related issues. Different unhealthy  drinks contain many unhealthy calories which are not good for your health. 

No need to worry if you don't want to follow any diet to lose weight. Easily lose your weight through drinking healthy and tasty weight loss drinks. All you have to do is to stay particular with your weight loss drinks. You should also avoid unhealthy foods as it will add only unhealthy calories to your weight which is not required during weight loss.

Almost each and every individual drinks different sugar-sweetened beverages like packed fruit juices, diet drinks, cold drinks and sports drinks. These drinks will not help you in any way, not even diet drinks. Also even if it is a diet drink but contains a certain amount of flavors and sugar which are not healthy for you. If you want to lose your weight then you need to avoid some unhealthy foods and unhealthy drinks from your daily routine.

If you want to lose your weight through weight loss diet plans, then you can check:

Weight loss drinks will not only help you to lose your weight efficiently and effectively but will also boost your metabolism, control blood sugar level and keep your tummy full for a long time.

Following are some best weight loss drinks:

1.  Fresh Water (#1st from weight loss drinks)

weight loss drinks

Yes, you are eating it right " water". Water helps you a lot in losing weight by removing extra fat and unhealthy calories from your body. With removing unhealthy calories, it also keeps you hydrated for a long time and it's important to stay hydrated.

You should drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water everyday at the right time and also in the proper quantity.

To know the right time to drink water and in the right posture check : weight loss diet plan.

Water does not have even one calorie. It is the best and easiest way to lose weight without much effort. Lack of water can also make you unhealthy and can lead to weight gain. It not only quenches your thirst but also keeps your tummy full for a long time.

Benefits of water:

There are many benefits of water. Some of its benefits are:

  • Keeps you hydrated.
  • Flushes of waste from your body.
  • Improve blood circulation flow.
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • Decreases your cravings.
  • Keeps your heart healthy.
  • Relieve constipation.
  • Provides different nutrients and oxygen to cells.
  • Improve digestion.

These all are some of the benefits of first from weight loss drinks, "water".

2.Lemon water (#2nd from weight loss drinks)

weight loss drinks

Start your day with lemon water to stay hydrated. It keeps you hydrated for the whole day and flushes out waste from your body which results in weight loss. Lemon water is preferred by almost every individual in the morning. It also contains antioxidant properties which are very beneficial for your health. It promotes weight loss by removing unhealthy calories from your body.

Just take a glass of water and squeeze lemon into it and drink it just after waking up in the morning. This will also help you to stay healthy.

Benefits of lemon water:

Lemon water also has unlimited benefits. Some of its benefits are:

  • Promotes a feeling of fullness.
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Rich source of vitamin C.
  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Boosts Immunity.
  • Prevent acidity.
  • Removes uric acid.
  • Keeps you away from infections.
  • Rich source of potassium.
  • Removes unhealthy fat.

These are some of the benefits of second from weight loss drinks, "lemon water".

It is so healthy to have it in the morning.

3.Herbal tea (#3rd from weight loss drinks)

Maybe many of you don't like to have green tea in your daily routine. There is no need to worry. You can have herbal teas. Herbal teas are also healthy and organic. You can make it on your own at home with easily available ingredients.

You can check my article, healthy herbal tea recipes. It consists of herbal tea recipes which are 100% organic and will definitely help you to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight through weight loss smoothies then there are different recipes of smoothies are also available you can check. Smoothies are also one of the best ways to lose weight in a tasty and healthy way.

Benefits of herbal teas:

Herbal tea also has different benefits. Some of its benefits are:

These are some of the benefits of 3rd from weight loss drinks, "herbal teas''. Herbal teas will not only help you to promote weight loss but also keeps you healthy and fresh.

4.Apple cider vinegar (#4th from weight loss drinks)

weight loss drinks

Apple cider vinegar is considered as one of the best weight loss drinks to lose your weight efficiently and effectively.

Many people are enjoying apple cider vinegar for weight loss. It also keeps you healthy and fat. You can drink it as there is no side effect of it. 

If you add this apple cider vinegar with your weight loss diet plan then you can lose your weight with double speed. And who doesn't want to lose their weight quickly? I think no one is there who doesn't want to lose their weight efficiently.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar also has many benefits. Some of its benefits are:

  • Burns fat quickly.
  • Manage blood sugar level.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Very less no. Of calories.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • Keeps your heart healthy.
  • Flushes out waste from your body.
  • Loses belly fat.

These all are the benefits of 4th from weight loss drinks, "apple cider vinegar". You can drink it daily in the morning without thinking twice as it will help you to burn your fat and promote weight loss.

5.Tea- green tea (#5th from weight loss drinks)

weight loss drinks

Who doesn't know about green tea? It is the most popular drink in weight loss. Each and every individual who loses their weight drinks green tea 2-3 times in their daily routine. It also not only promotes weight loss but also boosts metabolism.

It removes all the unhealthy fat from your body and keeps your body free from fat. Green tea also contains some amount of caffeine which is also important for your body.

There are different flavors available in green tea but to lose your weight efficiently and effectively you can have lemon green tea. As it's the best green tea in weight loss drinks. It not only removes fat from your body but also keeps you healthy.

To know the right time to drink green tea for weight loss, you can check my weight loss diet plan.

Benefits of green tea:

Green tea also has many benefits. Some of its benefits are:

  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Improves immune system.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Burns fat from your body.
  • Provides different vitamins and minerals.
  • Shrinks fat cells.
  • Reduces belly fat.
  • Discourage cravings.

These all are some of the benefits of 5th from weight loss drinks, "green tea".

It has been also one of the proven best weight loss drinks ever.

6.Tea- Black tea (6th from weight loss drinks)

weight loss drinks

Yes, black tea also promotes weight loss. Normal milk tea is not good during weight loss but black tea is one of the best weight loss drinks. You can lose kgs of your weight by having black tea everyday. It provides basic nutrients and also reduces fat from your body.

It is a healthy way to lose weight.

Many people avoid tea during their weight loss days at the thought that it is not good for their health during weight loss. But it's a myth. Black tea is very good for your health and even also promotes weight loss.

You can lose your weight within 3 months by drinking black tea in your regular days. Maybe it's taste is not that good but its benefits are so good. You also can't neglect its benefits.

All you have to do is take a pan and add a cup of water into it then add half tablespoon of tea into it and let it boil. When it gets boiled properly then stir it in a cup. You can also squeeze a lemon into it to increase its nutrients and taste. As I told you earlier, lemon is very good for your health. It not only promotes weight loss but also keeps your skin, nails, hair and every part of your body healthy.

Benefits of black tea:

Black tea also has many benefits when it comes to weight loss. Some of its benefits are:

  • Controls cravings.
  • Promote the feeling of fullness.
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Reduces belly fat.
  • Keeps your heart healthy.
  • Removes toxins from your body.
  • Controls blood sugar level.
  • Manage blood pressure.
  • Prevent inflammation.
  • Prevent obesity.
  • Keeps you away from acidity.

These all are some of the benefits of 6th from weight loss drinks, "black tea". As other drinks, it also has many benefits which you can't neglect during weight loss.

7.Ginger drink (#7th from weight loss drinks)

Ginger drink is also one of the best weight loss drinks you can have during weight loss days. Many people have it in their daily routine for weight loss. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that keeps you full for a long time and avoid cravings for unhealthy snacks.

If you have cravings for snacks then you can try some healthy weight loss snacks which will not add unhealthy calories to your weight. These snacks are healthy for you and promote weight loss.

Coming back to Ginger drink, it burns all the unhealthy fat from your body and flushes out waste from your body. It keeps you healthy and active. There is no side effect of drinking Ginger drink.

Benefits of Ginger drink :

There are many benefits of Ginger drink also. Some of its benefits are:

  • Promotes fullness.
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • One of the healthy drinks.
  • Burn unhealthy calories.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Keeps your heart healthy.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Keep away from cold and cough infections.

These all are some of the benefits of 7th from weight loss drinks, "ginger drink". It is good to drink it daily after having your meal.

8.Herbs- Carom seeds water (#8th from weight loss drinks)

ajwain seeds

Carom seeds (ajwain seeds) are generally used in everyone's kitchen while cooking food. There are many benefits of it. Drinking carom seeds water daily in the morning will help you to promote weight loss and also keeps you healthy and fresh for the whole day. It will not require much effort to lose weight. Carom seeds are easily available at everyone's home.

What you have to do is take a cup of water and add 1 tablespoon of carom seed into it. And let it soak into the water for the whole night.

The next morning, mix those carom seeds well in the water and drink it empty stomach. This will help you to burn unhealthy calories from your body.

Benefits of carom seeds:

Carom seeds also have many benefits. Some of its benefits are:

  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Improves digestive system.
  • Burns unhealthy fat. 
  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Relieves stomach pain.
  • Reduces belly fat.
  • Improve digestion power.

These all are some of the benefits of 8th from weight loss drinks, "carom seeds water". It will help you a lot to lose weight efficiently and effectively. There is no side effect of drinking this water in your daily routine. It is good to drink this water just after waking up in the morning when you are with an empty stomach.

Conclusion of weight loss drinks:

It is good to drink weight loss drinks at the right time and in the right quantity to lose weight efficiently and effectively. You can't achieve your goal until and unless you are punctual to it.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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