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Weight Loss Dinner Recipes: 5 Healthy Tasty Recipes And Its Calories

Weight Loss Dinner Recipes: 5 Healthy Tasty Recipes And Its Calories

Delicious weight loss dinner recipes

What can be more amazing than losing your weight with tasty food recipes? Yes, you are reading it right. There are many delicious weight loss dinner recipes through which you can lose your weight easily, efficiently, and effectively.

In the last article, I shared with you some healthy vegetarian weight loss breakfast recipes which provide you the required calories and also promote weight loss. There are different diet plans through which you can lose weight like a 7 days weight loss diet plan, a vegetarian weight loss diet plan, and many more. You can go through any of them according to your choice and taste preferences. These diet plans tell you the right quantity to have your meals at the right time.

It's very difficult for every woman to decide what to cook during the morning or during the night to stay healthy. But now it's not difficult anymore. You can simply follow a diet plan which itself tells you what to cook.

Many of you don't have enough time to cook food on your diet days because of your busy schedule. There is no need to worry as I am going to share some weight loss dinner recipes which are very less time-consuming and provide you with only healthy calories. As everyone knows that it's important to live a healthy and happy life and to live a healthy life you need to intake healthy food as the outer body is a result of our inner body. You should also keep in mind that you have to stay happy to live a healthy life.

Following are some healthy vegetarian weight loss dinner

 recipes :

  1. Healthy cheese (paneer) salad: #1st from weight loss dinner recipes

It is one of the best options to have it in your dinner. Cheese salad consists of very few calories and gives you maximum nutrients which are important in your daily routine. It is a rich source of fiber and protein as well. Paneer is a rich source of healthy fat, protein, and very low on carbs. It not only promotes weight loss but also is good for diabetes.

Maybe many of you don't like to have salad in your daily routine. But after knowing this recipe you will love to have cheese salad in your daily dinner. You should add some amount of paneer to your weight loss diet days to get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals.

There are many benefits of having paneer salad. It's not only a rich source of protein but also gives you fiber which is important during weight loss.

Ingredients required:

It does not require any expensive ingredients.

     Slice of cheese (paneer)

     1 chopped cucumber.

     1 chopped onion.

     Half chopped capsicum.

     1 chopped tomato.

     Salt according to your taste.

     1/4 tablespoon of black pepper.

     Half lemon.

How to make weight loss healthy paneer salad:

     Take a bowl and add chopped vegetables into it.

     Then cut the paneer slice into small cubes and add it into that bowl.

     Now add salt and black pepper into it.

     Then, at last, squeeze a lemon in it.

Your first weight loss dinner recipes are ready. It is very healthy and also looks very delicious. By adding lemon, it increases its flavor and nutrients. It is very less time-consuming, you can have it even in your busy schedules.

Try to use homemade cheese (paneer). Readymade cheese is not healthy for you.

Calories in this one from weight loss dinner recipes:

It consists of only 155 calories. These are the required calories for dinner.

  1. Chickpeas (Kala chana) chaat: #2nd from weight loss dinner recipes

Many people think of it as a nonveg dish by hearing its name. But it is one of the legumes used in your daily routine at your home. It's very delicious and also healthy for you. It not only promotes weight loss but also good in managing blood sugar levels. Chickpea also keeps your heart healthy and free from many infections.

It is a rich source of fiber and protein and also one of the best weight loss dinner recipes. I love to have it at my dinner as it's very delicious and healthy. Chickpeas also contain vitamin B6 and amino acid tryptophan which are good to have in your dinner. Black chickpeas have soluble fiber which helps you to reduce the level of cholesterol in your body.

It is one of the most common foods in Indian cuisine which people love to have.

Ingredients required:

It also does not require any expensive ingredients.

     1 bowl of chickpeas.

     Half chopped cucumber.

     Half chopped onion.

     One chopped tomato.

     Salt according to your taste.

     1/4th tablespoon of red chili powder.

     Half tablespoon of coriander powder.

     Some coriander leaves.

     Half lemon.

How how to make weight loss healthy chickpeas chaat:

     First of all, take a bowl of chickpeas and wash it properly then soak it in the water for at least 8 hours.

     After 8 hours, wash it properly and boil it in the pressure cooker.

     After boiling them, strain them well and put them in a bowl.

     Then add the chopped onion, tomato, and cucumber into it.

     After that add salt, red chili powder, and coriander powder into it. Mix it all well.

     Then squeeze half lemon into your chickpeas chaat.

     Now, add some coriander leaves for decoration and also to make it more healthy.

Now, 2nd from your weight loss dinner recipes is ready. It's so delicious and healthy. It will also not add even a single unhealthy calorie to your weight. You can make it one of your favorite weight loss dinner recipes without thinking twice as its taste is so yummy.

Calories in this one from weight loss dinner recipes :

It consists of only 167 healthy calories.

As it contains very few calories. Therefore, it's one of the best options from weight loss dinner recipes to have in your daily routine.

  1. Healthy homemade masala oats: 3rd from weight loss dinner recipes

Who doesn't know about oats? I don't think so even a single person is unaware of it. Every individual has it in their diet. It is one of the healthiest and also tastiest options to lose weight efficiently and effectively. It is a very healthy recipe that consists of very low fat and high amounts of fiber. Homemade masala oats provide you different nutrients in proper quantities which are the requirement of your body. As it's homemade, therefore does not have any flavoring agent or sweetener.

You can add different vegetables to it to make it more delicious and also healthy. It is one of the healthiest options among weight loss dinner recipes as it is a rich source of fiber and keeps you full for the whole night.

It also helps you to avoid hunger pangs at night. You will not crave unhealthy food after having it. Check it out: healthy weight loss midnight snacks.

Ingredients required:

It also does not require any exclusive ingredients.

     One cup of oats.

     2 tablespoon of healthy oil.

     Half tablespoon of salt.

     1/4th tablespoon of red chili powder.

     3/4th cup of water.

     1 chopped onion.

     Half chopped tomato.

     Half chopped capsicum.

     Half tablespoon of Wray (rai).

     Some coriander leaves.

     Half lemon.

How how to make homemade healthy masala oats:

     First of all, take a Pan and add 1 tablespoon of healthy oil into it then add 1 cup of oats and roast it properly. 

     After roasting it, take it out from the pan and keep it in a cup.

     Then add 1 tablespoon of healthy oil into a pan.

     Then add half a tablespoon of the way into it.

     After that, add chopped onion, tomato, and capsicum. Mix them all well.

     Then add 1 cup of oats and 3/4th cup of water into that pan.

     Let it cook for at least 5 minutes on low flame.

     Then add some coriander leaves and also add lemon into it.

Now, your 3rd dish from weight loss dinner recipes is ready. Enjoy your meal. And yes, don't forget to add coriander chutney to add more flavor and also to make it more healthy. I am 100% sure that you will love this one from weight loss dinner recipes.

Calories in this one from weight loss dinner recipes:

It consists of 157 calories only.

Calories available in this one from weight loss dinner recipes are very healthy and important for you during weight loss days. You can't neglect its benefits. Oats are considered one of the best dishes to have during weight loss days to intake healthy calories only.

  1. Healthy weight loss besan cheela: 4th from weight loss dinner recipes

Besan cheela is also one of my favorite weight loss dinner recipes. I can't tell you how nutritious and tasty it is. It not only promotes weight loss but also provides different nutrients to you. Many people have it in their daily routine in the morning. But it is also one of the best options for weight loss dinner recipes.

It is not only good for weight loss but also good for diabetes and heart health.  If you make it in peanut oil then it will work amazingly in weight loss.

Besan is a richer source of healthy fat protein than other wheat flour. Healthy fat is essential for your body to perform day-to-day activities. It also improves your blood circulation flow.

Do you know? Besan helps in burning your calories faster than other foods. It lowers the level of the glycemic index which results in burning calories at a faster rate. It not only boosts fat burning but also provides you different nutrients.


Ingredients required:

It also does not require any high ingredients.

     1 cup of besan.

     Required water to form a batter. (Say ½ - 3/4th cup).

     3-4 tablespoons of peanut oil.

     Half tablespoon of salt.

     Half tablespoon of coriander powder.

     1/4th tablespoon of red chili powder.

     1/4th tablespoon of cumin seeds.

     Coriander leaves.

     Half chopped onion.

     Half chopped tomato.

     One small slice of cheese (paneer) (optional).

     Coriander chutney (optional).

How to make healthy weight loss besan cheela :

     Take a bowl and add one cup of besan into it.

     Then add the required water to form a perfect batter.

     After that, add salt, red chili powder, coriander powder, cumin seeds, and coriander leaves into it. Mix them all well.

     Take a pan and add one tablespoon of peanut oil into it.

     Then add that besan batter and make a cheela.

     After making cheela, put it on a plate and apply green chutney into it. (Optional)

      Then add chopped onion, tomato, and paneer into it. ( Add, salt, red chili powder, and coriander powder in the chopped vegetables before adding it to the cheela).

     Then fold your cheela.

Now, your fourth dish from weight loss dinner recipes is ready to eat. You can also make homemade tomato sauce with it to increase its taste and nutrients.

Don't forget that you have to eat only one chilla as one is enough to keep your tummy full for a long time. You can also add more chopped onion and tomato into it to increase its quantity and to fill your tummy but don't eat more than one cheela.

One cheela is enough as it's healthy and provides you required calories.

Calories in this one from weight loss recipes :

It consists of only 150 calories.

150 calories are good to have in your weight loss days for dinner. It will provide the feeling of fullness and reduce your cravings.

  1. Boiled potato and cumin seeds vegetable: #5th from weight loss dinner recipes

Maybe you think potatoes promote weight gain instead of weight loss. Maybe you were right somewhere but not totally. Boiled potatoes will not result in weight gain.

Boiled potatoes promote weight loss and also boost your immunity. It not only promotes weight loss but also is low in fat and high in potassium. You should add it to your weight loss days once a week.

Ingredients required:

It also does not require any exclusive ingredients.

     2 chopped boiled potatoes.

     1 tablespoon of cumin seeds.

     1 tablespoon of peanut oil.

     Half tablespoon of salt.

     Half tablespoon of coriander powder.

     1/4th tablespoon of red chili powder.

     Some coriander leaves.


How to make boiled potato with cumin seeds vegetable :

     Take a pan and add 1 tablespoon of peanut oil into it.

     Then add cumin seeds into it.

     Add chopped boiled potatoes into it.

     Now add salt, red chili powder, and coriander powder into it and mix them all well.

     Now, add coriander leaves to make them more nutritious and also tasty.

Now, your 5th dish from weight loss dinner recipes is ready. Enjoy it.

Calories in this one from weight loss dinner recipes :

It consists of only 157 healthy calories.

Conclusion of weight loss dinner recipes :

All the five weight loss dinner recipes mentioned above are very healthy and also nutritious food for you. You can have it in your weight loss days to promote weight loss and also to burn unhealthy fat faster.

Also watch: Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2021


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