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Weight Loss Diet: Everything Related To Weight Loss

Weight Loss Diet: Everything Related To Weight Loss

All you need to know about the weight loss diet is here :

Many of you want to lose weight and for that, you all are making many efforts, no doubt. But many people still complain about why they are not losing weight even after following a weight loss diet plan and doing good work out. So let me tell you, a weight loss diet plan is not enough for you to lose weight until and unless you know and everything regarding weight loss.

There are many myths in the weight loss industry from which you should keep yourself away. There are many weight loss mistakes that you may do while following a diet plan during your weight loss days that are not required.

What are weight loss diet mistakes??

Weight loss diet mistakes are those mistakes that you are doing while following a diet plan or while losing weight. There are many mistakes which you are making without knowing about it. You should know everything about your diet plan and about the workout you are doing to lose weight efficiently and effectively.

Many people think that they can lose weight without doing much effort and if they can do so then it's good. Otherwise, they have to do some effort to achieve their target.

I am not saying that you have to do many efforts but at least some towards your goal.

The following can be some weight loss mistakes that you might be making:

     Skipping your meals

Many of you think that you can lose weight by skipping your meals. But let me tell you, it's not the right solution for weight loss as it can even result in weight gain instead of weight loss.

When you skip your meal then the metabolism of your body gets lower down. It causes your cells and body to crave more food which ends up overeating at the next meal. Therefore, skipping your meal can never be a good solution for weight loss. If you want to lose weight naturally then try to follow a good weight loss diet plan like a weight-loss vegetarian diet plan or a full week weight loss diet plan which will help to shed pounds from your weight.

You should go through the diet plan you are following to know every pros and con of it.

     Eating very few calories

Maybe you think that losing weight is all about the intake of calories. And if you intake fewer calories then it will help you to lose weight fast. But no, there is nothing like this.

Eating very few or too many calories can disturb your weight loss diet. It is important to intake at least the required calories for weight loss.

As I told you in my different diet plans, you need to take at least 1500 calories a day to lose weight. And if you want to maintain your weight then you should consume at least 2000 calories a day ( for females).

If you take fewer calories than required then it will slow down the amount of energy your body gets from food which is not healthy at all. It is also important to keep energy in your body to lose weight and to put effort into your goal.

     Focusing only on weight loss and not fat loss

Fat loss is as important as weight loss, even more, important than weight loss. Maybe you think that your weight is not losing that's why you stop following the weight loss diet plan for this reason which is not good. Losing the fat of your body is more important than losing weight as it's the fat only which is making you gain weight.

If you shed some fat from your body that it will result in weight loss. Therefore, fat loss is also important for you.

     Not avoiding unhealthy foods

All of your efforts will be of no use if you do not avoid intake of unhealthy foods. Unhealthy foods are not only junk food like pizza, burgers, noodles, and all. But there are many other foods which you should avoid in your daily routine and especially during weight loss diet days to stay healthy and to lose weight properly.

Other unhealthy foods like canned food, packed foods, artificial flavors added fruits, added sugar foods, processed foods sugary drinks, etc. These are the foods that you should avoid while following a daily diet plan.

Do you know?? Even a single bite of unhealthy food can add many calories to your weight which are not required during weight loss diet days. Therefore, it is important to stick to your diet plan only.

You can try different weight loss diet plans which consist of tasty recipes so by which you will not crave unhealthy food anymore. It is a good way to stay healthy by eating healthy and tasty recipes.

     Dropping too early

It is important to follow your diet routine for a long time. Some of you may drop your weight loss diet within a week thinking that it is not helping you out, which is wrong.

You should wait at least 10 to 15 days to notice results in weight loss as sometimes it might take time to reduce the amount of fat present in your body. Don't lose your hope and confidence too early as it will not help you out to achieve your goal to lose weight.

Weight loss tips for weight loss diet.

You should follow some weight loss tips in your daily routine during diet days to lose weight effectively.

These tips will help you to lose weight easily without much effort. As you know, tips and hacks make your life easy and so is weight loss. Here are some weight loss tips which you should know to lose weight easily.

     Take a heavy and healthy breakfast

It is very important to start your day with a heavy and healthy breakfast so that your body can have proper energy throughout the day. Your body gets energy from the food you eat. That's why it should be healthy to get healthy energy.

Taking a heavy breakfast does not mean that you have to eat too much or too many Paratha or any heavy food. No. A heavy and healthy breakfast means you have make to a breakfast that consists of healthy calories only which helps your body to stay active and fresh throughout the day.

Many weight loss breakfast options are very healthy and tasty. You can try some dishes from them. These breakfast recipes will not add many calories to your weight and also keep you healthy for a long time. It also promotes the feeling of fullness till your next meal.

Different breakfast options are like masala oats, overnight oats, healthy oats, poha, healthy weight loss sandwiches, sprouts, and many more. You can check its recipe here: weight loss breakfast recipes.

      Drink plenty of water

It is very important to drink a lot of water daily during weight-loss diet days.

Water is very essential for your body and to promote weight loss. Yes, you are reading it right, water promotes weight loss.

You can lose a lot of weight by drinking water. But it's not like you have to drink water only to lose weight, you also have to follow the right diet plan.

You need to know the right way and the right quantity to drink water for a weight loss diet. Only drinking water will not help you lose weight until and unless you are drinking it in the right amount and at the right time.

You should drink at least 2 to 3 liter of water every day to lose weight. And try to drink it at least after 1-2 hours of your breakfast in a sitting posture. Never drink water in a standing position as it can result in weight gain instead of weight loss.

     Follow a 5 meal weight loss diet

Most of you take 3 meals a day but you should also know about five meals weight loss diets.

A 5 meals weight loss diet does not mean that you have to eat the same food for the 5 times as you eat 3 times.

It consists of different 5 meals in a day.

The first meal is your breakfast with which you are aware.

As I told you, you should start your day with a healthy and heavy breakfast so that your body stays healthy and energetic throughout the day.

The second meal is your fruit meal.

Yes, you are doing it right, fruit meal. During a fruit meal, you have to eat some weight loss fruits which consist of very few calories. Not every fruit helps you to lose weight, even some can result in weight gain. You should also take care of the amount of fruit you are eating.

The third meal is your lunch.

You can have your lunch as you take, 1- 2 chapatis with any light vegetable say, pumpkin, bottle gourd, or any other light vegetable. These weight loss vegetables will also promote weight loss and burn the fat of your body at a faster rate. You can try different weight loss vegetables during your lunchtime.

The fourth meal is your snacks meal

You have to eat some fruits and leafy vegetables again in this fourth meal. You can also add some weight loss salads to make them more delicious and healthy.

Avoid eating too much as eating too much will result in the intake of too many calories which is not required during a weight loss diet.

The fifth and last meal of the day is your dinner.

As you all are aware. You can try any new weight loss dinner recipe to lose weight easily and in an interesting way. You should take a very light dinner so that you can digest it properly before going to bed.

These all are the 5 meals that you can take during your weight loss diet days to lose weight fast. Do you know why to take 5 meals instead of 3 in a day??

Taking 5 meals a day will help you to stay healthy and also promotes the feeling of fullness in a healthy way which does not result in overeating at the next meal.

     Take your meals at the right time

It is important to take your meals at the right time so that your body can fulfill the need for energy on time. Taking your meals at the right time will also help you to digest your food properly by moving here and there.

You should try to take your breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

Take your lunch around 1 to 2 p.m.

And have your dinner at least two hours before going to bed so that your body can digest that food properly.

     Add green tea to your weight loss diet

Green tea is generally a part of every individual's weight loss diet days. You should drink green tea after 1 hour of your meals to digest it properly and to burn the fat you get from that food. Green tea also helps you to provide different nutrients to your body.

It also boosts your metabolism and refreshes your mind by reducing stress. You can't deny the benefits of green tea as it also contains some amount of caffeine which is also important for your body to perform different activities in your daily routine.

Therefore, it is good for you to add at least 2 cups of green tea in your regular fats, one after at least 1 hour of your lunch and another one is at least 1 hour before going to bed. Don't take green tea just before going to bed as it can harm you.

What is a healthy weight loss diet plan??

A healthy weight loss diet plan tells you the right time to have the right food and in the right quantity to lose weight.

Only healthy eating is not enough. You have to eat that in the proper quantity and at the right time. Many of you eat healthy throughout the day but then also are not able to lose weight. It can be because of your wrong timing and the wrong quantity of the food.

Let me tell you the best diet plan schedule for a day:

     You should start your day with a glass of healthy lemon water.

You can also add 1 tablespoon of honey to lemon water if you want to lose weight more often.

If you aren't able to take lemon water or honey water in the morning then at least take a glass of normal water to flush out toxins and waste from your body.

      Have your breakfast at 8 a.m.:

As I told you to start your day with a healthy and heavy breakfast. Therefore, try to take a healthy breakfast in the morning so that you can keep your tummy full for a long time with some healthy calories.

Eat only healthy calories and not even a single unhealthy calorie as it can add fat to your body.

     Drink at least 2 liters of water after 1 hour of your breakfast

Water is very essential for your body to promote weight loss. Drink the water in the right way and in the right quantity to lose weight properly. You can also try a water diet if you want to.

A water diet does not mean that you have to drink only water for the whole day. It tells you the right time, the right way, and the right quantity to drink water throughout the day which also keeps you healthy and free from toxins.

     After drinking water, take your second meal which is your fruit meal at 11:00 a.m.

As I told you, you have to eat different weight loss fruits at this time.

It will be good for you if you eat only one type of fruit at a time.

For example, if you are eating an apple then eat only apples and do not add any other fruit with it. It is one of the tricks to lose weight at a faster rate.

     Then have your lunch at 1 p.m.

Take 2 chapatis with any weight loss vegetables. You can also take a bowl of fresh homemade curd in your lunch.

Try to eat only 2 chapatis. If you still feel hungry then you can eat more vegetables or curd. But do not add more chapatis as it will add too many calories to your weight.

     After your lunch, take a cup of healthy green tea at 2:00 p.m.

As I told you, green tea is important to burn all the unnecessary fat from your body and also helps you to digest your food properly. Green tea is a good way to stay healthy and fresh.

     Then at 4 p.m., have your fruits or salad again

Try to eat the same fruit which you had eaten in the morning. You can also add any vegetable like cucumber, tomato, beetroot, carrot, or any other vegetable according to your taste.

Do not add salt to your fruits as adding salt to your fruits and salads can result in weight gain.

     At 6 p.m. drink 1 liter of water

I will be grateful for you if you can drink one liter of water more at this time as it will promote weight loss.

     Then at 7 p.m. have your dinner:

You can try any weight loss dinner recipe to lose weight and to have tasty food healthily.

     At 8 p.m., have a cup of green tea

Having a cup of green tea this time is very important to flush out toxins from your body before going to bed.

You can try different flavors of green tea but lemon green tea will be best for you if you want to lose weight at a faster rate.

Eat only healthy snacks if you crave snacks in your weight loss diet days.

It is not good to eat unhealthy snacks as it can add calories to your weight which you had reduced by doing many efforts. There are different healthy snack options that you can have in your daily routine which will also provide you different basic nutrients.

Maybe you think that it's very difficult to lose weight by keeping yourself away from snacks and other tasty foods but no it's not like this. You can also lose weight by having snacks whenever you crave for and by having different tasty and healthy foods. It is good to eat only weight loss snacks. 

There are different weight loss snacks like dried fruits, seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, and many more. You can have it whenever you crave unhealthy food. These weight loss snacks add only healthy calories to your weight and promote the feeling of fullness. It will also healthily satisfy your cravings.

Many people have a habit of doing their work till midnight or watching TV till late at night and at that time they crave unhealthy snacks. I also have some best midnight weight loss snacks options for them which they can have while doing their work or while watching TV.

There are many ways to lose weight and it's not as difficult as many people think. You can easily shed many pounds from your weight if you stay stuck to a particular weight loss diet schedule for a long time. If you change your diet schedule everyday then it will be difficult for you to lose your weight efficiently and effectively. Don't lose your hope and confidence as these both are the must in achieving the target.

Different options to lose weight.

You can try different weight loss smoothies in your daily routine which you can make on your own by adding some healthy fruits and vegetables into it. It will promote weight loss if you have it in your daily routine.

There are also many weight loss juices and weight Loss drinks that you can have in your daily routine to lose weight according to your taste and preferences.

You can also try weight loss detox water which is very tasty and one of my favorites during weight loss diet days. It will not require any expensive or exclusive ingredient and takes less than 5 minutes to prepare it. You can easily prepare it on your own at your home. There is no need to take any supplements for weight loss or medicines as these supplements will harm you a lot in different ways. You can easily lose weight at home by doing some effort towards it.


Many people do not like to drink green tea. For them, I have the best option which is weight loss herbal teas which you can prepare on your own. These weight loss teas will result in weight loss and do not take time to prepare. There are different recipes you can select according to your taste preferences.

Your body needs different vitamins and minerals for weight loss which you can get from different fruits and vegetables. You should add different varieties and seasonal fruits and vegetables to your weight loss diet. This will also help you to get different nutrients as you can't get every nutrient from a single food. Not only your body but every part of your body like skin, hair, nails, teeth, and every part needs some vitamins and minerals to fulfill its requirements. Therefore, you must take every nutrient in water quantity.

You should also know some weight loss tips to avoid maintaining the process of your weight loss healthily and to achieve your target of weight loss.

It's not important that if one thing is working for someone to lose weight then it will also help you to lose weight as different individuals have different bodies and hormones. Therefore, you should not copy everyone's style to lose weight; you should select it wisely according to your body type.

Conclusion of all about weight loss diet : Everything related to weight loss

As I tried to make you understand in very detail about weight loss. You should go to every detail thoroughly to know more about weight loss diets.

It is also very important to stay confident and to keep faith in yourself with whatever you are doing as lack of confidence will never help you to achieve your target. You should stay healthy and happy in your life to achieve your target and to fulfill the basic requirement of your body. There is no need to take stress as stress can also be a reason for weight gain. You should enjoy every moment of your life. And it is not as difficult as you think. You can do it easily by properly following every procedure.

I hope this article will help you a lot in knowing about the weight loss diet process. I had mentioned many things in this article to let you understand it. If you have any query related to this then you can ask me in the comment section.


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